Well... January is almost gone and I feel like I'm months behind on things to do! How frustrating... I have just been so busy at work and when I do have a free moment.. I'm L-A-Z-Y! Maybe it's just that I'm really overwhelmed so instead of starting a project I just collapse! So let me try to catch you up once again!
December/JanuaryDom had his first ever School Performance.. It was adorable.. Thanks to all of our wonderful family members who came out to cheer him on... He sang his lil heart out!
Dom also finished BasketBall with Lance... thank goodness! A: it was early and butt cold, B: we (Ben and I) had to do so much work to make him do it.. dribbling is not his friend!
New Years was simple... Hung out at my Brother Paul's House.. the kids stood up till Mid-night.. Alyssa was telling everyone Happy New Year and Dom loved watching the fireworks.. but by 12:15 they were out cold... ha haMy Friend Vanessa had a Space Theme 3rd Birthday Party for her son Elian... Dominic got to wear his Buzz Light Year Costume and Alyssa pretended to be Princess Leia...
Immediately after we went to Abigail's 2nd Birthday Party... We've had some action packed weekends! Happy Birthday Elian and Abigail!
Now almost February we've started more FUN!
Dominic has been in his cooking class for two weeks now and really enjoys it.. The little things they make are so TASTY.. Dom just likes cooking them and the rest of us enjoy Eating them! "Yum yum yum yum yum, ¡delicioso!" (thanks Dora the Explorer).
Look at my future "Emerald... BAM"
Ben has been staying home with Alyssa... I'm actually jealous.... but he's doing a great job with our lil mamas... if she wasn't a daddy's girl to begin with, she is a Major Daddy's Girl now... you can see how in just a month she has bonded with him.. They go for walks together and run lots of errands as well! Love you guys!
Dom went for his first Dentist Appointment.. No cavities.. and all is well!!!! yee haw!
And some how in the middle of all this CHAOS I got "PINK EYE!" arghhhhhh
The next few weeks are busy ones.. I'll do my best to update!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tryin to Catch My Breath!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Santa Pics....
Isn't this the BEST Santa Pic Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just had to post it... even if it's a month late..hee hee
Posted by J. Lee 1 comments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year!
It's finally 2008! I still am in a little bit of shock! Where did 2007 go? As excited I always am for a New Year to begin, I also have fears of the uncertain... Every year has its JOYS to celebrate but also its Heartaches! It's the Heart Aches that always worry me... I'll stop being a Debbie Downer..ha ha......... I'll focus on the positive.. My little Alyssa will be 2 and my boy Dominic will be 4!
So has was every ones New Years??? Ours was nice... We went down to my brothers house(Paul) and had a great dinner and then just hung out and had to watch "Tom and Jerry" per Dominic... He loves them soooo much! He will laugh out loud hysterically when one of the characters changes into something else.. for instance: Jerry is laughing and a pear falls on him when his mouth is open so he changes into a shape of a pear.... Dominic will fall down laughing and tell me over and over "mommy, Jerry is like a potato" It really is cute and makes me want to cry just watching him have such a good time... Alyssa of course plays the part.. she too enjoys watching them but will laugh more when she hears Dominic laughing not really on her own.. it too is adorable!
I did start one crazy thing today.. I decided to take a stab at potty training Alyssa... well today was day 1 and lets just say I had no success so far..ha ha.. we'll see what happens... I'm giving it three days.. and if nothing clicks in 3 days I'll wait for Easter Vacation... talk to you soon!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments