I think we've made some progress since Christmas! hee hee... My kids just love taking these pictures! I hope everyone has a nice Easter!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
A New Slide to Play On!
We have been wanting to get some kind of outdoor play system for a while now... and when we finally got serious and started looking.. we were saddened to admit...."Our yard is too small for anything with a swing!" How depressing.. I've always known our yard was small, but never thought it was that little... Especially compared to some of the newer homes!!! Well we decided to get one with a cool slide...not too baby and something they could use! The verdict is in and the kids are happy!
It has been a hit! Meet the Little Tykes Climber!!!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Bonding with Daddy!
Who would of known that an XBOX 360 could bring a family together! Dominic and Alyssa were fighting the other night over who could help Ben play his game... it was hilarious... Tears were flying at one point over who could sit next to daddy and hold the remote control! Ben has created 2 lil monsters... I can only imagine how it's going to be in a few more years! ding, ding, ding, ding.. Round 2!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
My Girl Can COUNT!
We first discovered this by accident... I mean we always work with the kids on singing ABC songs and Counting. One morning Ben overheard Alyssa and Dominic counting together. Dom can count to 20 by himself but that morning we discovered Alyssa could count to 10 by herself! WOW! I am truly impressed with her as she is not even TWO years old yet and she can count to TEN! That's my baby girl for you... She's going to be Two but to her she's going to be Three/Four!!!
Now today she can actually count to Thirteen...but to get kids to do something on camera/record is nearly impossible!...
Here's the best clip we could get!http://www.badongo.com/file/8208091
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
My-Gym Craziness
We have finally made our way back to My-Gym... We have missed a couple of weeks due to me being sick and attending a funeral... So now we're back! Alyssa really enjoys herself and it's a nice bonding time for us! I decided to move her to the older class... since she was the OLD kid in the other class.. All of the other babies were 16-20 months and Alyssa is pushing 22 months and use to chasing after Dom (3yr old) The next class is for 23 months to 3 years old. She LOVED IT! She did such a good job keeping up with the other kids.
We also know the owner (our boys are in the same PreSchool class) and she invited Dom to come by too! Her son is in the Mighty Tykes Class! Dom was off to a rocky start.. Being his first class he was not use to the routine... and of course wasn't completely paying attention (arghhh) But he did his best to listen and keep up... they did a lot of running and some tumbling and even hanging upside down! He was way more scared than Alyssa. He wouldn't even let go of the guys shirt! That's my boy always being cautious... and for Alyssa she was like a little monkey! She loved being upside down!
Here's Alyssa in action!
Future cheerleader! :)
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
In an attempt to save time... Ben and I were going to cut Dom's hair. We've cut his hair before or should I say Ben has cut it before several times in the past. Tonight Ben went to the store and I decided to take matters into my own hands. Oops!! is all I can say :(
I was off to such a great start... Everything was fine.. then Dom moved and "zip".. off went some bangs.. and so you know what I had to do! I had to finish off the rest! Now my boys "trademark" spikes are GONE! I'm slowly getting use to it...but I miss the SPIKES!
Worst yet Spring Picture Day is coming UP... Sorry GrandParents!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Uncle Patrick!
Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate Ben's Uncle Patrick's 60th Birthday! WOW! It was a really nice dinner... The kid's were pretty well behaved... They sat still (for the most part... ;)wink wink) Especially with the help of Ben's phone... (enjoying an episode of the simpson's)Just by chance he had downloaded some episodes of the Simpson's and the kids got a kick watching them! Earlier in the day I had come up with the GREAT idea to take our portable DVD player to dinner with a Dora and Caillou DVD.. But to my surprise... we were driving on our way and I was setting it up... only to learn it Broke! Bummer! Thank goodness Ben's phone kept the peace! Other than that I ate like a "piggy piggy"... Birthday Bun (it's an Asian thing) and ALL.. YUMMY...
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments