Thursday, May 31, 2007

Career Day

Well today was Career Day at my school... I was lucky enough to have my bro-in-law come down and speak to the kids (he's in animation). I have to say that he was the presenter the kids loved the MOST! Even students from the other classes loved him! Not that the other presenters weren't good.. the kids just didn't find them as interesting... I was cool having my family by... thanks Kenny and Susana!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

One Year Check UP!

Today was Alyssa's one year check up! She is officially 18 1/2 pounds (11th percentile) and 29 3/4 inches long (50th percentile)... Bottom line... I still cant turn her around in her car seat! I know Dom cant wait for her to be facing the other direction... she loves pestering him... hee hee (look at her foot on Dom during our car ride home today)

She also had to get 5 shots! OUCH! I felt sooooo bad! She screamed so loud! I hope Tylenol saves us tonight!

Memorial Day Weekend!

After the party.. we all pretty much looked like this...Tired!...ha ha! We finally made this BIG plan to take Dom to the movies... my parents were going to come down and BBQ and also watch Alyssa so we could take him! We get to the movies to see Shrek 3 and not even half way through the movie....HE'S OUT!!!! Can you believe that???? Well at least he was free!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Let's Get this Party Started!

I can say... WE SURVIVED! Alyssa's 1st Birthday Party has come and gone! It was a really great turn out... actually HUGE! It was awesome to see so many friends and family all there to celebrate with my "mamas!"

It wasn't all smooth sailing however. I got up at the crack of dawn to bake cupcakes in ice cream cones... and before I knew it, it was time for Dom's art class... I couldn't let him miss, especially since it was his last class... So daddy took him and Lil Mamas stood behind with me. At art class Dom made a paper plate aquarium and mobile and he even made a sun cookie...

By the time Ben came back, it was
1 1/2 hours to the party! On top of that, I had to talk to Dom because he was not listening to Daddy at art class... he was apparently the ONLY one running around while everyone else was listening during story time! All I wanted to do was get to the park! I still needed to decorate!

Needless to say it was 11:20 (party starting at noon) and I was barely getting to the park! It always amazes me how guys stay so calm with not a care in the world when having a party! I was getting ready to flip out and Ben was walking slower than slow!!!! I just wanted to insert fresh batteries in him and make him MOVE!.. but then again that's one of the reasons I love him soooo much.. he keeps me grounded and from going nuts..!!! Thanks Babe!

Now with the party going... it was a BLAST... the weather cooperated perfectly!!! My mamas really enjoyed being the princess for the day....! If I could change one thing, I think it would of been to move the Pinata out of the sun... that way the candy wouldn't MELT!!!! OOPS..
live and learn!

"Dom trying to hit the Pinata!"

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Alyssa Turns the Big ONE!

I can't believe my baby girl is ONE years old today... It feels like it was yesterday when I went into labor.... wow...time is crazy!!! I felt bad that I actually had to work on the day of her real bday, but there is no way I can miss... especially since Im planning on taking Friday off in preps of the party. We did decide to have a small birthday cake for Alyssa and let her go at it!

"This cake looks yummy!"

"Yeah, it was great!"

So had so much fun with that cake! I think she's ready for the real party!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Birthday Party Stress~~~~

Well, I am officially three days away from my little girls First Birthday!!! Stress has set IN! My garage/playroom is now "Goodie Bag" central! I feel as if I can't catch up with any of the task I need to do! Both Dominic and Alyssa keep attacking the birthday goodies....arghhh! My little "mamas" is sooo ready for her party!

On a happier note yesterday Alyssa took 4 steps!!!! And she did it several times! Its so exciting watching her trying to walk! I really cant wait for her to walk! I think it will stop her SCREAMING! This whole week she has been extra whiny at the sitters house...and when Alyssa whines...EVERYONE hears it! Its as if she knows her birthday is this week...its really tomorrow! I plan on taking cupcakes to the sitters to celebrate...which is what I should be doing right now! Do you ever have a TO DO list that is sooooo Massive you feel like doing absolutely Nothing???? If you can relate, that's where I'm at!

I think this state of "slug" started at dinner! What on earth possessed me on making spaghetti is beyond me... It started off normal...mess was its normal mess self as I of course let the kids feed themselves! So dinner was done and I begin to pick up the noodles from the floor when "WHAM" the top of Alyssa highchair smacked me on the head! So now there was Noodle City on the floor!!! Picking up soggy noodles is like picking up fresh rice...Its horrible! Dominic hears the commotion and comes running in the kitchen to see whats the haps..all the while stepping on the noodles... now the noodles have entered the living room! I was so frustrated! All I want to do is finish party things and my normal daily obligations prevent me! I finally finished cleaning the kitchen to then proceed outside so Dom could play!

We're outside to only have the obstacles continue... Dominic's best friend Lance (3months older) is this pro bike rider already and Dom still can't get the hang of pedaling... I feel sooo bad for my baby! He does try, but just ends up frustrated.. So as I went to prevent Alyssa from eating more dirt, I see Dominic flying down the drive way (no helmet) and CRASH! He doesn't turn in time so he was SPLAT on the sidewalk/street! Luckily no blood! At this point I was DONE... it was time for baths and bed!!!! Ahhhh break time!

Life is strange... now that I have this break from the babies.. all I do is miss them!
Oh 1 more thing... did I mention I have a new Nephew!!! Here is Little Jakob!!! He's now 20days old... the first Venegas Boy!!! Welcome Lil Man!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I've Been Inspired

I have enjoyed reading my sis-in-laws blogs sooooo much, I just felt I had to try it. I don't know if my blog will compare to hers, but there's no harm in trying! I've decided I would use this blog to just share some of the crazy, happy, sad, and just some ho hum days of my life.... For those of you who obviously don't know me, I'm just a regular gal/proud mom to two wonderful babies! I am also a Special Education Teacher and love the many hats/titles I wear. I hope you will enjoy my future post....READ ON!!!!!!!!