Well, I am officially three days away from my little girls First Birthday!!! Stress has set IN! My garage/playroom is now "Goodie Bag" central! I feel as if I can't catch up with any of the task I need to do! Both Dominic and Alyssa keep attacking the birthday goodies....arghhh! My little "mamas" is sooo ready for her party!
On a happier note yesterday Alyssa took 4 steps!!!! And she did it several times! Its so exciting watching her trying to walk! I really cant wait for her to walk! I think it will stop her SCREAMING! This whole week she has been extra whiny at the sitters house...and when Alyssa whines...EVERYONE hears it! Its as if she knows her birthday is this week...its really tomorrow! I plan on taking cupcakes to the sitters to celebrate...which is what I should be doing right now! Do you ever have a TO DO list that is sooooo Massive you feel like doing absolutely Nothing???? If you can relate, that's where I'm at!
I think this state of "slug" started at dinner! What on earth possessed me on making spaghetti is beyond me... It started off normal...mess was its normal mess self as I of course let the kids feed themselves! So dinner was done and I begin to pick up the noodles from the floor when "WHAM" the top of Alyssa highchair smacked me on the head! So now there was Noodle City on the floor!!! Picking up soggy noodles is like picking up fresh rice...Its horrible! Dominic hears the commotion and comes running in the kitchen to see whats the haps..all the while stepping on the noodles... now the noodles have entered the living room! I was so frustrated! All I want to do is finish party things and my normal daily obligations prevent me! I finally finished cleaning the kitchen to then proceed outside so Dom could play!
We're outside to only have the obstacles continue... Dominic's best friend Lance (3months older) is this pro bike rider already and Dom still can't get the hang of pedaling... I feel sooo bad for my baby! He does try, but just ends up frustrated.. So as I went to prevent Alyssa from eating more dirt, I see Dominic flying down the drive way (no helmet) and CRASH! He doesn't turn in time so he was SPLAT on the sidewalk/street! Luckily no blood! At this point I was DONE... it was time for baths and bed!!!! Ahhhh break time!
Life is strange... now that I have this break from the babies.. all I do is miss them!
Oh 1 more thing... did I mention I have a new Nephew!!! Here is Little Jakob!!! He's now 20days old... the first Venegas Boy!!! Welcome Lil Man!

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