Today was my lil niece/god daughter Victoria's 8th Birthday!It was such a hard task just getting there! The kids were not cooperating and I was really missing Ben! By the time I got to the party... let's just say I wasn't in the best of moods! oops! Dominic and Alyssa had the chance to spend time with their cousins and nino/nina! It's strange how their older cousin Raymond really does well with them.. I mean He was a kid himself a couple of years ago and now he's a teenager! Where does time go?!?
When we got home we went to another birthday party for our neighbors lil girl Samin. She's TWO now! Their party started at 7pm so needless to say the kids were grumpy!!! When they finally warmed up and got a second wind, they were clumsy and kept getting injured, so on came the water works..! We didn't get to stay to long, but it was nice! Thank goodness Ben comes home tomorrow!!! I'm Beat!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Vicky's 8th Birthday!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
John's Incredible Pizza
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Using Our Imaginations!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
More Long Days!
Well now that Alyssa is bright and chipper... Dominic and I are sick!!! We've both had fever and just look tired! So for the past couple of days, we've done nothing but watch Caillou and a wide selection of Disney Flicks... I even managed to negotiate with Dominic and watch some Days of Our Lives!!! That soap opera is too much... they brought back a character (Stefano) who must of been killed a dozen times! ha ha.... Lil Mamas has been playing Doctor/Mommy... She runs around with the ear thermometer and tries to take our temperature... what a good little helper. Hopefully this virus ends soon! I would like to re-enter the world of having energy!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, June 23, 2007
A long Weekend

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Friday, June 22, 2007
Swim Drama!
Well as you may have been reading, Dominic, Alyssa, and their friend Lance are all taking Swim Lessons. On Friday, we went to our class as normal. Dominic was doing really well with the teacher and as soon as Alyssa and I jumped in she started falling asleep! I started to feel her and she was getting a fever, so we immediately got out! This is where the drama starts.
I'm sitting on the side lines with Michelle, her hubby, and lil mamas. Michelle makes a comment to us about this little girl "wasting water". You know by the pool there's a shower for people to rinse themselves off? Well this little girl stays under there for at least 45mins everyday. Next thing you know, this woman comes up to Michelle and starts saying "You got a problem with my daughter (the one under the shower)?" Michelle tells her yes. They ended up arguing for a few minutes and the lady even started cussing at her. I jumped in and said it was fine if she had something to say to my friend but she needed to restrain from cussing since there are little kids nearby. How GHETTO... I wish I could of taken a picture of this lady. She literally come up looking for a fight! It felt like a bad scene from a Lil League game! Her hubby told the psycho lady to leave, but no go! She said "NO, I know it bothers you some I'm going to stay right behind you!" And that is what she did with her arms crossed!
I wish I could say the story ended there! As swim class ended, I got Dom dressed and ready to go to the car... As I was putting him in, I turn around and there is that psycho lady at my car!!! She starts asking why my friend has a problem with her daughter under the shower...blah, blah, blah.... Fifteen mins later she finally left practically in tears! She was way over reacting... Michelle simply made the comment to us and not the general population.. that lady was looking for trouble... We come to find out from the instructors that she always causes problems... Can't we all just get along!?!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wild Kingdom!
The kids and I have been very busy these past few days... It was really nice that Michelle was home today and the kids got a much needed rest from running errands!
The day started with the kids going to the Gym Day Care... It's truly a plus that I take the kids there: 1-it forces me to workout on a consistent basis, 2-it keeps them in the routine of being dropped off (so they won't give the sitter a run for her money come September)... moving on..
After the gym we decided to take the kids to a place called WILD KINGDOM! It's a play center that has tons of Jumpers/Bouncers/Obstacle Courses all indoors(great way to beat the heat)!!! Today was Open Play Time and the first time we ever went...WHAT A BLAST!!! The boys really enjoyed themselves!
...Alyssa even got in on the action.. Baby Allie was all smiles while the kids played! Isn't she a cutie! I love her eyes! (so jealous!) I was really proud of Dominic..for the longest time he was afraid of bouncers and now he just goes in and out all by himself.. He was still pretty scared of the large slides, but did manage to climb up and go down
(with a little nudge from mommy)...........
Lance is a pro at climbing up the slides!
You may think these bouncers are easy to get around, but they ARE NOT! What a workout it was chasing the boys through the obstacle course/climbing the walls/and going down the slides! I was beat! Luckily when we got home I made both kids take a nap in preps of swim class...
Today marked the start of week 2 for Swim Lessons! I made a point to get to swim class early to try to talk Dominic up about it.. We started off well, sitting on the edge with our feet in the water splashing... Once they announced class had started...the Water Works began for Dom! Alyssa did really well... she had a Water Noodle tied around her and was kicking away..she even didn't mind being on her back floating... Once it had been a good 15mins of crying for Dom I decided to go to his rescue... I switched kids with the swim instructor and to my surprise calmed Dominic down... He actually stopped crying and with the water noodle around him, holding my hands, he began to kick quietly! Peace has been restored in the pool... He even went back to the instructor for the last 5 minutes and didn't shed a tear!!! We have finally made progress... I hope this is a sign that the rest of Swim Class Week 2 is going to be great!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Monday, June 18, 2007
Staying Home
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Father's Day BBQ

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Friday, June 15, 2007
Fun in the SUN!
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Vacation is Here! Let the fun begin!
Today was my last day of work! It feels soooo good knowing I don't have to wake up early ANY more until late August!!!My students were really cute today.. We started the day off with the traditional "Staff vs. Students" softball game! It was sooo much fun.. I even attempted to play in my usual footwear....Flipflops..oops! I did hit the ball, but let me say Base/Softball is NOT my sport! After the game we just spent time in class... pretty much free time.. When the bell rang for the last time, a few of my Tough Six Grade Boys came up to me and said "I'm really going to miss you Mrs. Lee" and gave me a big hug.. of course I cried... On one end I'm extremely excited about being on vacation, but on the other end I'm going to miss this group of kids!
After was our luncheon: eat, talk, laugh, cry! The usual end of the year luncheon program.. It was announced that one of our staff members is Pregnant! How exciting! I always feel kind of sad cause it always seems like I'm the last to find these things out... Oh well! I should be use to it by now... it's just like High School at work. You got your In Crowd, the Loners, and the In Between Peeps... I've always been the In Between Crowd (not too popular, not completely a nerd)..ha ha... you are who you are!
As I was doing my final packing, I remembered I had a couple of gifts to open! One of my parents.. who loved challenging me for the past two years.. brought a gift to me. She said one is from the students and one is from all the parents. The students gave me white gold hoop earrings..WOW! and the parents gave me a card saying "We're sending you to VEGAS!" Can you believe that... they raised money and bought me a one night stay in Las Vegas.. apparently she had called my hubby and put him on a mission on what I would like.. I didn't even connect why Ben had been asking me what I'd like right now.. I kept saying new flip flops and he would get mad.. saying something a little nicer.. and that's when I said new earrings or a get away! I guess even when someone seems to be giving you a hard time, they do respect you! Vegas here we come!
Today also marked the First Day of Swim Class!!! Just getting there was challenging.... but we made it on time! The class is for a 1/2 hour and didn't go that well today! Alyssa was okay... she just had a straight face and hung on for dear life! This year Dominic is in the Tiny Tots class, which means no Parents! He cried for the whole 1/2 hour! The instructors were actually amazing! I asked if he would be kicked out cause of the crying and they said not to worry about it... he's fine! Their patience really surprised me... I just wanted to go grab him, but stopped myself because I knew it would only set him back. He needs to learn to relax without holding on to mommy.. His little buddy Lance did much better! He only cried a tiny bit and I think it was because Dom was scaring him! Hopefully he'll adjust.............SOON!
More Swim class updates to come!
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
Knocked Up!!!
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
A LadyBug Party!
It's been soooo cute going to all of these birthday parties lately... Alyssa is one of four baby girls that was born last year between March - June 06. Now all the little girls are turning ONE! This was the last lil one to turn the Big 1... So our Saturday was spent at a LadyBug Birthday Party.. it was a SWIM party... what a pretty day too!!! Dom spent the first part of the party sleeping!!!
What a BUM!.........
Alyssa wasted no time to get in the water and PLAY! Her bikini kept sagging... ha ha.. it was only 12 months but shes soooo skinny it just hung on her... My poor mamas is the littlest of the babies... I wish I could say I had the same problem!!!..........
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Friday, June 8, 2007
6th Grade has left the Building
Well.. it's finally here.. the 6th graders are ready to graduate/be promoted!!! I'm really going to miss this group of students that I have. Although there are days they drive me absolutely crazy...overall they really are a great group of students! I'm use to having 3 or 4 graduating sixth graders, but this time around I have 12!!! WOW! I have no idea what my class is going to look like next year... I also have to admit, that this is the sharpest looking class EVER! I always give a speech on dressing nice, but some how one student always comes dressed sloppy... Not this year... don't they look great????
One of my parents organized a special party for my class at the local park and invited me. I agreed to go as she would like me to pass out certificates to the 6th graders. She even asked if I could bring a cake....I comes the DRAMA.... I bring the cake to school Friday and have my aide place it in the cafeteria refrigerator... reason being... our staff refrigerator is small! So after school I ask the custodian to open the refrigerator for me and he starts Laughing!?!?! I'm puzzled! He goes on to tell me NO ONE HAS A KEY except the main lunch lady!! I simply refer to her as the "Cafeteria Nazi!" (remember Seinfeld,wmv-300-p.1523410-179182,wmv-100-p.1523409-179182,wmv-56-p.1523408-179182,wmv-28-p.1523408-179182&id=1809777301&f=1809777301&mspid=1809791458&type=c&a=0,15) This is the Soup Nazi's kidding... She's yelled across the entire cafeteria before "LEE!!!!" all because I owed a Dollar for some bread!!!
So I have to go to the office and explain the situation to my Principal... one of the office ladies calls the "Cafeteria Nazi" and asked her if she could come back to work and open the refrigerator (mind u she lives a few minutes away) and her response was "NO! I'm going to take a shower" What an EVIL chick!!! Now we had to call district office and ask if they would send someone down for an emergency.... can u believe that!!! All in all, I finally got my cake... Can't we all just get along??? jk
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Paint, Paint, and more Paint!
And to our surprise... both kids went down at 8pm... I even got to make my debut back to the gym... I almost forgot how many people go to "hook up" at the gym... kinda funny... It was nice to just get out and work off stress... "End of the school year" is always nuts!!! I'm so ready for summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by J. Lee 1 comments
Monday, June 4, 2007
Daddy Day Care...
Well Alyssa started to feel sick over the weekend... mainly Saturday night... I guess she didn't want us going out... ha ha! So all day Sunday she was grumpy... Come Monday morning Ben decided to stay home with the kids... Let's just say the kids gave him a run for his money... When I came home to pick up Alyssa to take her to the doctors...she looked like an orphan.. Hair was wild and clothes didn't match... Dominic was in shorts and a pajama top!!! After the doctors (Alyssa just had a virus..typical) we came home to eat dinner and before I knew it Ben was knocked out!!! ha ha... I guess the day was too much for him to handle... dads... you got to love them.!
yeah.. that's her onesie hanging out.. exactly how she looked for the doctors!!!
I had a conversation today and it reminded me how some people can be such downers... you start off in a good mood and no matter what you say they try to shoot you down...does anyone watch "Saturday Night Live"??? if so, do you remember the character Debbie Downer This clip is for all the people who believe in "misery loves company"
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Sunday, June 3, 2007
We Actually Went Out... without the KIDS!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Bubble Mania
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