My mom is on vacation this week... yee haw...!!! My mom wanted to take us to the movies.. no objection from me... We took Dominic to go see Ratatouille...!!! He was very excited about this.. We went to the earliest show possible... I really liked the movie and thought it was cute! Alyssa was good for the first hour and the second hour.. well.... let's just say I watched it while doing laps up and down the stairs with Alyssa! Overall it was nice...
Monday, July 23, 2007
Posted by J. Lee 1 comments
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Mother's Day in July!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Last Day of Swim Class
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
Jazzy has left the building!
Well I finally did it! I have officially moved Jazmin (our cat) out of the upstairs extra bathroom to the garage... I decided it was time for the kids to have their own bathroom and not have to share ours... Dominic was really excited and kept exclaiming "This is my Bathroom!!!" I had to remind him that he is going to share the bathroom with Alyssa...
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Movie Day!
Posted by J. Lee 1 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
We Just Love Eachother!
I just think this is the cutest! Dominic and Alyssa like giving eachother hugs!(this is Dom giving Alyssa a hug)
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Monday, July 16, 2007
Splash, Splash, Splash
To start the week off, I met up with Vanessa, Irene, and Gladys at a park where they have water play. They even give out free lunch and snacks to the kids... It was such a nice day and the kids had a blast playing in the water.. The only thing I didn't care for was the when the kids were nice and wet... where did they go??? Straight to the sandbox/slide area... water and sand don't mix! When it was time to leave, I went to change Alyssa and poor thing hand sand EVERYWHERE! Lucky for me Vanessa came prepared in a bathing suit and went into the water area to rinse her off! Thanks again!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
I love SALSA!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Lance Is THREE!
I can't believe it... but Lance is 3! How does time pass so fast!?! That means in just a few months Dominic will follow in his footsteps and turn 3 also... My baby!

Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Disneyland x's 3

Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Free At Last....
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Monday, July 9, 2007
Sub Day from HELL!
Today I went to sub a PreSchool Special Ed Class... The kids were soooo cute and Tiny! I'm really use to my 4th-6th graders that I normally work with... Out of the 8 kids in class only 1 could write their name! Kinda sad! :( I also had 3 aides in the classroom.. 1 of the aides I worked with for a year in my own classroom and she is Way Cool! So I thought it was going to be a good day.... WRONG... The other 2 ladies (older...close to our parents age) thought they were too good to even talk to me... When I spoke to them, they pretended they didn't hear me.. HELLO.. you guys know my voice... I don't think I'm known for being quiet.. ha ha.. I am Becky's daughter after all.. sorry mom.. it's the truth.. we're LOUD...! Moving on...
The teacher left me NO plans and just said to ask the aides... you know the ones who don't speak.. and what they normally did every day was way tooooooo boring for me.. so I got some other ideas from a neighbor teacher.. I asked the aides if they wouldn't mind doing something different and the 2 responded"I GUESS" but in an ugly tone! At the end of the day, 1 asked if I was planning on passing out the papers the kids did, and I said yes (i had a pile on my table sorted and stacked already) She then grabbed the pile and yelled "Well I guess I'll sort them out and threw the stack of papers on her table... It was great to watch her face when she realized I had already sorted them..she got pissy for no reason! I did try to say bye when we were walking the kids to the bus but they both turned their heads the other direction!... Man I am sooo happy I have the aides I normally have during the year!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Wish it were Sunday... Cause that's my fun Day..
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Busy, Busy, Busy!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
5 Years and Going Strong
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Disneyland Thursdays!
To top it all off, we came home, rested for an 1 1/2 and then it was off to swim class! I'm happy to report that Dom does awesome still! He is officially jumping off the side of the pool to the teacher( a little slow..but nether the less jumping) and he's starting to learn how to hold onto the sides and get dunked! It was truly a GREAT DAY!
Posted by J. Lee 1 comments