Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Movie Day!

Today is Free Movie day at the local theatre.. so before we ran our errands, we decided to go see "Over the Hedge" This is one of Dom's top 5 movies! I thought I was pretty slick arriving about 15 minutes early... WRONG! The entire theater was packed.. We had to sit way ... way .. way up in the front! Dominic didn't mind... We had a good time eating popcorn, sharing a hot dog and juice.... I was pretty proud of Alyssa, since this was her first movie experience. We almost made it through the whole movie but about 20 minutes to the end...Alyssa started to crack... So I asked Dom if he wanted to go home.. surprisingly he said "yes!" I had totally forgot he had woken up at 5:55 this morning, so no that it was 1:30 he was also tired.. We came home to a nice nap before heading to the gym!

At the gym I was really bummed because I only got a 1/2 hour workout.. Dominic had fallen and being "Dommy Drama" he freaked the girls out and they in turn came and got me! By the time I put away my weights and went and got him.. he was fine! Rats..there went a good work out.. oh well... Off to Target!

We had to go to Target (one of my favorite stores) for some necessities and I was all excited about my coupon! $5 bucks off Diapers! WOW... I was siked because I had two coupons and planned on buying two packs of diapers.. but then... the cash register person from hell!

She gave me the hardest time for each coupon I used ( I only had 4 total 2 of them were for the diapers) She questioned if my Baby Johnson/Johnson Head to Toe wash counted as a shampoo for hair since the coupon said Shampoo! HUH! Come on! It's a Head to Toe wash so since you can wash your hair with it I think it should count.. she gave me major attitude about that one.. I bought Alyssa a detangler for her hair by Johnson's Buddies and used a coupon.. she read the whole coupon to see if it qualified and made the comment "I guess this qualifies" and then when I presented my coupons for diapers she went through my bags to make sure I bought the correct brand and then checked the number of wipes in the package(you had to buy both to use the coupon). She took one of the coupons and then refused my second one.. when I asked her why she said "Just use it next time!" No where on the coupon did it say only one could be used at a time.. I was fuming.. If Alyssa hadn't been flipping out in the shopping cart I would of fought.. but I just smirked and left! Like my sis-in-law has said before.. when these mean people have kids they'll see what it's like! I believe in Karma evil Target girl...

1 comment:

suzy said...

I thought that reading the legibility of the coupon was already programmed into the computer, no?

I wish you did call the supervisor, and that Alyssa screamed even harder so they would give you everything you wanted to get you guys out of there!

What a horrible woman!!!!!!