My little Dominic has started preschool now! He is not officially the Pre-K class, but the preschool class... We have been talking about it all weekend and he seemed really ready and excited.. We even let him pick out his own lunch bag, and of course just like his father, he picks out one of the most expensive bags! It is really cute though.. It's of a semi-truck and he calls it Mac(from the movie Cars). So we got him all ready and left for school!
I had received permission to be a little late to work so I could accompany Ben on dropping off Dominic!(Ben is now incharge of taking Dom) We got there and he just ran into his room! He was soooo excited and happy.
We showed him his cubby where his lunch bag goes, and then he bolted straight for the toys! His teacher is a really nice lady! Dominic then gave us all kisses, and told Alyssa that she had to go to Mary's house(his old sitter) and gave her a kiss....
When I picked him up, his teacher informed me that he had an AWESOME day... He only cried once when another student tried to go into the same bathroom stall as him and pinched his hand *(no marks...prob. just more drama than anything!) He even earned a sticker because he was such a good helper on cleaning up toys and one of their centers! I was soooooo Proud of my boy! I hope he stays this excited! He has a fall fundraiser starting soon, back to school night, and Picture Day! I can't wait... fyi... friends/family dominic will be knocking on your door soon..hee hee
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