It is officially Halloween 2007! Wow.. The kids were very excited to be able to put their costumes on again.. Dom was really enjoying being Buzz Light Year...and my cute Pirate had fun with lollipops! We really began celebrating yesterday with the carving of pumpkins..
Both kids were having a great time..until.. Alyssa came eye-to-eye with the inside of the pumpkin.. That was the end of carving for her.. she bolted out of the kitchen crying and refusing to come back.. she got to spend some daddy time...
My dad helped me out today and picked Dom up from school and we went to the Target shopping center where they had a carnival... it was a good time and the kids loved Trick-or-Treating...
When we got home, we met up with Lance and Allie and the rest of our neighbors and continued Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood... Doesn't Lance the Pirate and Allie the flower look adorable! Alyssa didn't even make it around the block because she started wheezing badly.. poor baby..
I have to admit.. I really enjoy Halloween.. I even got in on the act and dressed up as Olive Oil.. My aides and I always dress up in theme.. Luckily my aide Mrs. Robles can sew and she always helps to create some fun costumes.. So this year we were Olive Oil, Popeye, and Brutis.. It has become such a big thing with our staff it's almost stressful... This year since Alyssa is just across the street from work, Mary(babysitter) brought her by so she could take part in the parade... It was a good time... Here are my goofy students.. they looked great!
Wait until next year...
Check out more great photos at Halloween2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Happy Bday Dom... 1 more time
Toys "R" Us has a Birthday Club and I had signed Dom up for it.. so when it's his birthday they send us a small gift card and invite us into the store to help celebrate the day... well the days and weeks flew by and we hadn't gone... so we decided today was the day... They announced Dom's name over the intercom and gave him a crown and balloon.. he was so excited and when every employee passed him and said Happy Birthday, he blushed.. it was cute.
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Lowes Kid Work Shop
Ben recently discovered that our local Lowe's offers a free class for kids 2x a month... We decided to take the kids to make a Spider Kit just in time for Halloween.. Lance met us there and the kids had a blast.. I helped Dom make his Spider and Ben made Alyssa's ... Alyssa was way too busy running through the store... The next class is to make a Turkey Recipe Holder... exciting!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
International PotLuck
Since Dom attends a Christian Pre-School they don't celebrate Halloween! (bummer) So instead they have an International Pot Luck! I was lucky enough to have my ex-sis in law Lora (who's Thai) come by and help me make the BEST egg rolls! After a long night of egg roll rolling I decided to call in sick and take care of the Family and go to Dom's Pot Luck.. Ben missed also and went with us... It was fun and Dom was HAPPY to have us their.. although I think Alyssa ate more than all the other kids.. hee hee
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Stevie's 4th Halloween Bash!!!
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Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Everywhere!
Before we ventured off to Stevie's Birthday Bash, we went to the annual Cal Poly Pumpkin Patch. It's only one weekend out of the year and it was our first year going. We met up with our friends Alonso, Vanessa (w/ baby bump),
and Elian... Dominic and Elian had a blast running up and down the aisles of pumpkins.. Alyssa did her best to keep up...
I look forward to next years event!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Round TWO for Croup!
Alyssa is finally on the road of getting better.. her coughing has lessend and her Happy mood is back... WHEN low and behold Dom has fallen victim! On Friday, he hit his hand on the kitchen table before I left to work (6:30am) and didn't stop complaining/crying! So Ben calls me and is concerned at this point (8:30am).. I say just take him to school! And before you know it, Dom's school calls saying his been complaining and crying (9:30am). So Ben does a U-turn and picks him up... We decide to make him an appointment to the doc... He gets there and of course "NOTHING" is wrong.... He instead gets two shots! Ouch!
So now moving into the evening, he's running a fever... at first we thought it was the shots, but before long he's coughing/crying and sounding like a seal barking! Now Dom has Croup! The only problem is he got it to the 10th power! He was having trouble breathing, so there goes Ben back to the docotor with him. They ended up giving him a steroid shot on his Inner Thigh (ouch!)... It has helped and now he'll be back to school tomorrow! I hope this is the last of croup... ! I'm Beat!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Little Helpers!
I love when the kids want to help clean the house.. Dom's new thing is washing the dishes for me before we put them in the dishwasher... isn't he the best helper! Alyssa likes being part of the group and is great at picking things up!...
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Birthday Party Saturday!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Happy 3rd Birthday Papas!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Monday, October 8, 2007
Tantrums Anyone?
When Alyssa is sick, she lets everyone have it. She has croup and has been miserable! Dominic got sent home from school Monday because he threw up after lunch! What a Monday it has been! Ben told me that Dom didn't want to take a nap after he came home from school and even threw a french fry at him.. so he cried himself into his nap... Then that evening, Alyssa was refusing to eat and instead threw a tantrum... She rolled herself under the table where Dom and I ignored her and before you know it.. she was sleeping... Whew!
Posted by J. Lee 0 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
A "Wig Party"
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Dominic's 3rd Birthday Party!
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