Saturday, October 11, 2008

It was an ARR-mazing Birthday!!!

Well Dom's Birthday has come and gone... and it truly was a Great One!!! We had sooooo many friends and family come, we are truly blessed! We were missing one KEY person though.. Grandma Annie... :( It wasn't exactly the same!
Dom had a great time.. from the moment he woke up and the jumper arrived... to seeing all of his presents pile up!!! He was however the classic kid when it came to opening gifts! He literally threw the clothes to the side and started on another gift till he found a TOY!!! ha ha...
One other set back was that my poor mamas had a fever and wasn't up to par! Thank goodness for Motrin.. because whenever that kicked in... Zoom.. there she went!>>
All in all.. it was an Awesome Day. Just seeing my boy sooo happy was more than enough for me! Thank you everyone for all of your love and making Dom feel extra special!

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